Do you recognize this?
You, your team members, your team are coached and trained. The training was successful, everybody knows what to do and for a while it goes very well. But then after a few days, weeks, the results are gone. What happened!
From the outside in
The traditional way to look at coaching and leadership is as an individual effort and capability. The focus becomes about the achievements of one person:
- The leader, that team member, the team itself has been coached or trained and with that the problem should be solved.
- One often imagine, for example, that simple having a clear purpose, intention, goal or mission, will be enough.
- Leaders often believe that if only they can develop sufficient self awareness to access their natural strengths, work on their blind spots and self manage, they may be able to surmount any challenge the organisation throws at them.
But often this is not enough. The real challenges in organizations, are not in the individual issues or the people – but in the whole. The truth is that not one person, leader or member, can fix things on his or her own.
What would you say if I tell you this can be solved with the combination of the systemic perspective and insights from the field of Neuroscience?
“They say that change won’t happen unless it’s driven by and supported from the top. In fact, change won’t happen if the system doesn’t require it for its own health of survival. “
– John Whittington
Systemic Neuro-Agile Leadership
A Systemic view on leadership changes everything. Once you get into the habit of taking a systemic perspective, you observe leadership through new eyes.
As a leader you will have a wider perspective, understanding the whole, not just the parts. You will understand the connections within the team- and organisation system. Unseen psychological and energetic ties will be revealed, illuminating an alternative approach offering a fresh clarity across complex organizational processes.
A deeper understanding of your role as a leader within your team and organization, knowing by head and heart what is really going on and how to influence with the right interventions for a sustainable result.
Adding the Neuroscience insights will enrich you with the knowledge you need for knowing how to be the CEO of your brain yourself and how to lead, inspire, persuade and motivate with ease and confidence.
Which of the following resonates with you?
- You would like to lead your team with less stress and more sustainable success.
- You are an experienced leader and ready for the next step in developing your leadership skills.
- You are looking for a deeper understanding of your role as a leader within your team and organization, attracted to learn what is really going on and how to influence with the right interventions for a sustainable result.
- You are a natural leader. To be able to explain and expand this talent you would like to know why you do what you do and why it works so good for you, your team and organisation.
In that case this leadership program is for you:

To thrive in this new era of work, new leadership models, competencies and skills are required.
‘Leading from within‘ Leadership Program
This Systemic & Neuro-Agile Leadership program is designed to gain a deeper understanding of you and your role as a leader within your team and organization, knowing what is really going on and how to influence with the right interventions for a sustainable result.
This program contains:
- 2 Neuro Agility Profile (NAP™️) Assessments & de-briefing,
- 360 degree Emotional Intelligence assessment™️,
- 10 modules divided in 4 chapters ( 2 sessions per month)
and is a practical combination of personal and professional training, coaching, mentoring, assignments, back up when needed, room for extra personal or professional related topic and a follow up for sustainable results.
It is recommended to complete your journey with our High Achiever Emotional Intelligence program™️– a neuroscientific approach to developing accurate self-awareness. (9 online modules supported with live sessions)
Practical Information
For who: Team leaders, Managers, CEO’s, Company Owners, Executives.
Duration: 12 months
In group setting possible: max 4 participants ( some parts will still be covered in a private setting)
Are you interested and would you like to know more?
Book your pre- meeting today.