Bij Karen heb ik heel veel geleerd. Zoals hoe ik met bepaalde dingen om kan gaan en hoe ik op een andere manier naar bepaalde dingen kan kijken. Ik weet nog dat ik me bij de eerste sessie heel down voelde en dacht dat het nooit meer goed zou komen. Maar met Karen is het gelukt! Ik ben meer van mezelf gaan houden en ben een vrolijker mens geworden. De sessies met Karen waren altijd fijn. Karen gaf mij nooit het gevoel dat ik aan het zeuren was of “moeten we het hier nou weer over hebben?” Elke keer had ik het gevoel dat ik weer een stap vooruit was gekomen. We spraken veel maar we deden ook opdrachten die mijn ogen opende en waardoor ik nieuwe inzichten kreeg. Als ik gefrustreerd was dat iets nog niet gelukt was, realiseerde ik me dat ik tijdens de sessie een hoop andere dingen had geleerd. Elke keer had ik stappen gemaakt. Door Karen zie ik dat uiteindelijk alles op z’n plek terecht komt, ondanks dat sommige dingen meer tijd nodig hebben, maar dat dat uiteindelijk ook goed komt. En zo kwam ik dichterbij mijn nieuwe ik. Ik weet nu wat ik waard ben. Nogmaals bedankt voor alles Karen!
Do I know myself, who am I. Due some sessions with Karen van Hout I worked on #selfreflection #selfawareness and lots more. Looking at myself on a piece of paper….. exploring my neuro-agility profile.
Learning to understand myself. I am B…… There is only one of me.
I consider it a privilege to have Karen as Neuro-Link’s Benelux & Germany Partner. She is truly dedicated to making our world work better. Karen is a source of knowledge, skills and wisdom, which makes her an authority in the field of people development and the neuroscience of performance optimization. Values like integrity, excellence service and trustworthiness govern how she leads and conducts business. Every endeavor she undertakes, is driven by a passion to serve and make a difference.
(Dr. Andre Vermeulen)
Een aantal weken geleden was ik een van de gelukkige winnaars die een Neuro Agility Profile had gewonnen. Na het invullen van de bijbehorende vragen kreeg ik het rapport opgestuurd die Karen van Hout in een debriefing toegelicht heeft.
Dit profiel heeft mij veel inzichten gegeven in de natuurlijke ‘wiring’ van mijn brein- en dus wie ik ben en waarom ik ben wie ik ben.
Voor mij kwamen daar toch bijzondere dingen aan het licht. Zoals hoe ik het beste leer, denk en ontspan. Grappig was dat eruit kwam dat ik gedij in de natuur en dat ik talent heb voor harmonie en dat ik dit gebruik bij, bijvoorbeeld, problemen oplossen. Dat had ik me nog niet gerealiseerd maar dit is zo waar!
Zo liet het profiel ook zien dat ik precies doe waar ik voor uitgerust ben. Een voorbeeld is mijn creativiteit dat tot uiting komt binnen ‘VirtuJoos’ en vooral dat ook moet blijven doen; ik word er gewoon blij van!
Ik weet nu ook waar ik kan verbeteren en hoe ik dat kan doen. Een geruststelling is dat alles wat ik wil mogelijk is. Het brein kent oneindige mogelijkheden en is goed te trainen. Hier heb ik van Karen tips voor gekregen die ik zeker ga opvolgen.
Wil jij ook zo een profiel van hoe jouw brein werkt en hoe je die voor je kunt laten werken?
Neem contact op met Karen van Hout ? !
Soms loop je tegen dingen aan op de werkvloer die je in de weg kunnen gaan zitten. Deze problemen kunnen zich gemakkelijk opstapelen en voor je het weet belemmeren ze in je werk. Het worden kleine irritaties die af en aan de kop opsteken. Toen ik de kans aangeboden kreeg om samen met Karen te gaan kijken hoe en waar deze problemen en irritaties ontstonden, heb ik deze met beide handen aangenomen. De coachingsessies van Karen hebben ervoor gezorgd dat ik van perspectief kon wisselen en zodoende de dingen van een hele andere kant ben gaan bekijken. Collega’s kun je niet veranderen maar je kunt wel je eigen visie veranderen. De kunst is om dit vanuit de krachtbron te doen die in jou verborgen zit. Samen met Karen ben ik op zoek gegaan naar die krachtbron in mij. Ik heb geleerd dat ik altijd een keuze heb. Nu ik steeds vaker probeer om bewust te kiezen, zorg ik er zelf voor dat ik een andere kant wordt opgestuurd. Zou ik eerder voor de oude vertrouwde route hebben gekozen, nu kies ik bewust voor de nieuwere route die vanzelf weer de oude vertrouwde route zal worden. En als dat zover is, sla ik wederom een nieuwe weg in. Dank Karen voor je heerlijke eye openers en fijne confrontaties die voor vele aha momenten hebben gezorgd.
This workshop was full of great tips on our attitude at work and to expand relationships in such difficult times.
It was really good to have workshop with Karen, she is really nice coach, I am looking forward already for next workshop.
Karen is een hele fijne coach om mee te werken. Ze heeft veel kennis in huis op verschillende gebieden, waardoor je op een breed vlak kan groeien als persoon. De kennis die ze heeft draagt ze op een duidelijke, leuke en leerzame manier over, zodat je het ook direct in de praktijk kunt brengen. Ze bewaakt goed de grenzen van de persoon die ze coacht, zodat je in je eigen tempo met het vraagstuk aan de slag kunt gaan. Je merkt ook snel resultaat, wat een goed gevoel en vertrouwen geeft in het proces.
Thank you Karen for your unique and wise approach. Your understanding of human dynamics have helped me enormously in my self-discovery and growth journey. You are truly a Master Coach gifted with a sixth sense which translates in powerful conversations and insights. Your “dancing with my brain” has been an amazing experience which has brought me valuable rewards and the impulse to move forward and achieve my goals. Congratulations for your recent and future success.
By combining multiple forms of therapy, Karen managed to get the sting out of a lingering grief. This allowed me to take several steps in a short time, enabling personal growth. In my opinion Karen managed for a short time what others (read several types of therapy) did not succeed. Karen is a woman with a passion for her profession and a big heart for her clients.
Last year I was stuck in the middle of a ‘downwards spiral’. I had a very negative self-image, which resulted in not daring to stand up for myself. This made me extremely tired and I couldn’t focus on anything anymore. With the help of the meetings with Karen, a mirror was literally held in front of me. Karen taught me how to reflect on myself in a positive way and to see myself for who I really am. In the beginning the self-reflection was a real struggle but when I started to practice this every day, it became much easier. I got to know my ‘self’ and began to see who I am and as a valuable person. The assignments and instructions that Karen gave me during the meetings, made me find myself back again. She taught me how to stand up for myself and she taught me how to keep the peace in my life. I now feel strong and live the life I want. I opened-up myself to Karen, even when the process was difficult. The questions she asks makes you think and go deep into yourself, but you come out of these sessions feeling 100% better. During the meetings I opened up for Karen completely. You can trust her. She is there for you and nobody else than you. I now fill my life everyday with positive energy and I feel I can reap the benefits of the process I went through, with many thanks to Karen. Dear Karen, I am immensely grateful,that you showed me and taught me to see the bright sight of life.
I attended the Systemic Neuroscience Masterclass ‘Everything is Possible’.
The trainers are very knowledgeable and very approachable. Both Karen and Omozua know how to make you feel comfortable and let your guards down and get out of this systemic neuroscience breakthrough session what you want. The Masterclass was fantastic, insightful, dynamic and full of tips.
Last year I have completed my second coaching sessions with Karen. Besides having a welcoming and warm personality, Karen was spot on with her advice. I realized during our conversations, while possessing the capacity, I sometimes struggle on how to fully utilize this. Karen has helped me in this process. Overall, our conversations have given me more self-confidence and improved my decision-making skills. Some things I remember: “it is as it is” and “if you have the goal in sight, it doesn’t necessarily mean the road towards is one straight line”. These two Karen concepts (as I would like to call them) still help me every day with my acceptance, development and focus. Are you a driven woman and have questions about challenging situations? Are you open to honest and (sometimes) confronting conversations? Karen is definitely the right coach for you! Karen, thanks for now and the future!
Karen was belangrijk voor mij in een fase van mijn leven waarin ik het contact met mijzelf was verloren. Ze reikte mij tools aan om mijn weg weer te vinden, waarbij de aandacht lag om geaard te zijn en zelf de regie te nemen in en over mijn leven. Zij was daarbij niet bang om te confronteren en Karen praatte niet met me mee. Hierdoor kon ik situaties vanuit diverse kanten bekijken en mijn eigen aandeel daarin herkennen. Ze gaf ruimte om op mijn eigen tempo beslissingen te nemen, zodat het mijn keuzes waren en vanuit mijn hart kwamen. Ze heeft me geleerd mijn eigen gevoel te volgen en dat als prioriteit te stellen, alleen en in contact met anderen.
Karen is een bijzonder inspireerde vrouw. Zij helpt je om inzicht te krijgen en geeft je tools in handen om daar wat mee te kunnen doen. Karen bruist van nieuwe ideeën en ziet altijd mogelijkheden. Ik voel mij vereerd dat ik haar ken en met haar mag samenwerken.
Working with Karen was a pleasure (not to mention a lot of fun). Within 3 months I made several breakthroughs on issues that I wasn’t able to tackle in years. I’m generally more efficient and happier. Totally worth my time and money.
Karen is een top coach die je met simpele vragen op een rustige manier laat nadenken over bepaalde aspecten van het leven zowel werk en privé. Karen heeft mij enorm geholpen door mij te leren dat het ‘moeten’ niet hoeft en communicatie met een ander ( het recht van spreken en vragen) een belangrijk aspect is van het leven. Want zo houd je het roer in eigen handen en kun je leven zoals je dat wil. Doen wat je gelukkig maakt. Werk en privé in harmonie. Met de woorden ‘ik heb recht op…’ kom je een heel eind.
I met Karen at a professional coaching event. I knew immediately, I MUST know her. By her behavior, her smile and gestures we can catch immediately her experiences and she creates a confidential ambiance. She is able to open everything in you to find out more about yourself, how your feelings and acts connect. She does not force anything. Everything is natural during her sessions. I am more than grateful to her, and I can recommend her as personal and systemic coach.
They say ‘its good to talk’, well I cannot agree more. If you find yourself at crossroads and not sure which way to turn, speak to Karen. I have connected with Karen after really liking her posts and comments. One day I have asked for advice on my career, she agreed and we got taking via skype. I cannot recommend her enough, she listens, dissects the information and asks questions where you find yourself thinking hard and than seeing that the answer is actually really simple, but she made you look at it from a different angle. Priceless!!! I had a real ‘light bulb’ moment when talking to Karen. I am sure Karen is going to be my ‘go to’ life coach for years to come.
Go on, talk to Karen, she will show you the way to success and if not that, at least lend you an ear for all your troubles. Thank you again Karen, you are an absolute star!!!
Karen is een geweldige Coach, dankzij haar coaching net even wat extra fijne kneepjes aangeleerd die mij helpen in het sturen coachen en begeleiden van collega’s. Vanaf de allereerste sessie een goede klik, en iedere sessie heb ik als heel prettig en bovendien heel erg nuttig ervaren. Echt een aanrader!
Karen gives you confidence and the possibility to find the ‘real-me’ inside. During my coaching process Karen changed the fear of being vulnerable into the power of my vulnerability #imperfection
Thanks Karen! You handed me the right tools to reach my goals and challenges. You have given me balance in life. Through my coaching process I learned to take place in the middle of my circle, ready to be more successful in life.
With her systemically way of coaching, Karen has the possession and experience to let a person grow and getting confidence and believer in their selves. In reaching them the right tools and her knowledge, she is an expert in learning people to achieve their goals and challenges. Karen has the capability to motivate and stimulate by using her compassion and great way of coaching. In a short period of time, she has the capability not to change the person itself, but to change the way they have balanced their lives until so far. In our organization we have used Karen’s method of coaching for several different colleagues in various positions. In all these cases she’s has proven to be a good partner for both the individual and our company. To actually see the positive change in a person in the way they do things, and see them practice what they have learned during and after the coaching, that makes the change!
Karen is a driven profession who opened my eyes last Monday. In one sentence. I was astonished. Karen analyses and confronts. Her action and reaction mentality invites you to actually do what you had been planning for years, but never got to. Working with her is a great gift to yourself.
I particularly liked the way Karen asked questions. In this way I could discover and find my needed answers by myself.
Thanks Karen van Hout-Frederiks!!! The sessions with you were outstanding and opened my eyes with ground breaking realisations. Through the work with you right from our first session on, I got a detailed and easy way to understand things that seemed like a mountain I could not climb – breakthrough all the way. Thanks so much for the professionalism.
Karen has a beautiful gift to let someone watch from a distance to themselves and / or their organization. As a coach she guides you in a non-compelling way to critically deal with your questions and challenges. Through her strong intuition she knows exactly how to clarify what it is where you and/or your organisation bump into and how you can work towards a solution on your own power towards balance and performance. In our collaboration as coaches I know Karen as thorough, not afraid of constructive confrontation, and always hungry for new knowledge and techniques. With her specific systemic approach she is capable of providing you insight to the dynamic of interactions, in which you are as person or team. Starting from your own place in that system, she succeeds together with her clients to surpass the ratio and go from the core of the issue to work towards lasting results.
Karen helped me to overcome my feeling that life is a grey, boring place. She helped me to change my automatic thoughts from ‘I should and I have to’ into I can, I want and I like. This gave me a huge feeling of freedom. With Karen’s assistance I was able to acknowledge and overcome the feelings of sadness, loneliness and fear. Karen’s therapeutic and coaching skills are outstanding. I was very impressed by the results.
It was great to see this powerful work in real life and I gained beautiful insights. It was a special day, very well done! 😉
During a difficult period at work I got a recommendation for the systemic constellation with Karen. I could vent my frustrations in a safe environment. She was very understanding and kind, she exactly found the method to gave me new insights. The frustrations decreased enormously and I gained more confidence and focus in my career. Definitely a recommendation.
The listening skills of Karen and an ability to draw out key points to works upon. Great visuals to help internally focus on the tasks at hands. Ability to get one to reflect with guidance.
Thank you for your beautiful gift!
I drove home happy and felt so ‘rich’.
I always found our sessions very effective and calm me down. I also experienced a more holistic and creative approach then previous therapies ( with other professionals). Especially the activity with dummies to have a new perspective on my family and sessions while walking in the forest. I felt a very quite trust towards Karen and felt always understood, not judged and eared for.
I have experienced this as a very effective and purposeful.
Karen is a great professional as Coach & Counsellor. Meaningful, useful workshops and well-driven coaching sessions. A highly motivating methodology to learn about yourselves discovering your own weaknesses and qualities to grow every day. Thanks Karen!
I wanted to thank both of you for the special experience last Friday. Surprisingly and enriching, I gained a lot of new and useful insights!
Thank you for your beautiful constellation yesterday evening, Karen. I was able to say goodbye to a conflict which wasn’t mine but which I’ve carried with me for a long time.
Karen isn’t afraid to push someone else’s boundaries, with success. Great in organizing, highly skilled in motivating and get people engaged.
Karen helped me to gain a more balance and constructive view of my work related stress by encouraging me to find solutions to reducing the negative factors, but also to put into perspective and de-dramatise certain anxieties. She is a professional “listening partner” who allowed me to verbalize some problems with discreet, yet well judged comments, which led me to constructing solutions for myself.
This has been a very special day with the workshop Systemic Tasting! Thanks to the professional guidance of Karen I experienced a lot and gained many useful insights. The whole experience was very exciting, fun and comforting. I discovered something that I wasn’t aware I carried with me. This casts a different light on my own system and part of myself. Very happy with the result!!
I have gained insight into my situation in a surprising way.
I met Karen as workshop leader as a very kind and professional woman who felt the need of the group, showing respect and intuition in the interaction. The use of a great metaphor made the participants look at their own roles in life. Karen works with calmness, love and radiates a lot of confidence through her work.
I experienced Karen van Hout as a calm and good listening coach. In a short period of time she is capable of teaching you some techniques, valuable insights and she gives you room to listen to yourself.
Karen sees trough and understands the client very well. She is able to step back and formulate, to then decide on interventions and process. She deals well with the content, keeping focused on the goal and the bigger picture. She uses different techniques / interventions very well, good pace and appropriately. She is a well prepared and strong counsellor. (supervisor)
The major insight I had was that I can connect my work to the role in life which fits me the best. What a relieve.
Although I’ve experienced some of the exercises before, they were still clarifying. Especially the exercise with ‘the dot’. I felt a distinct difference between the different roles. It made me think about myself, the role I have and the one I play in life. The role that I initially with my mind didn’t consider as the most important, turned out to be my number one. I discovered why. A great combination of working with your emotions and reason. Good and pleasant guidance, thank you! It was special…thanks again!
‘Thank you Karen, today I had a beautiful workshop ‘a taste of systemic work’.
Karen you really helped me to get more self-confidence. Afterwards I felt much better to recommend myself to other people to come to me to get a shamanic healing session.
This was an inspiring workshop which gave me clarity and clearness in my role and goals. The steps to achieve these goals are definitely things I will continue working on.
What have I gained from this: Take small easy and doable steps instead of big ones. Get over your fear and self raised limitations. Do follow your hart. Much openness during the workshop.
I gained new insights and am able to connect better with my feelings and emotions.
The exercises helped me stabilizing the proportions between others’ and my own ‘images’ and expectations. I finally had the idea that I found someone who actually listened to me and understood me. I experienced the sessions as very pleasant and I learned to get to know myself better.
You know it’s about you and yet it’s easier because you look at it from a distance.
Karen had very helpful ways to help me categorize the hurdles I had in front of me, and to put them in perspective. This gave me confidence, but allowed me to conquer aspects of the process in a more logical and active way. I was able to move forward with planning and organizing after this.
On coaching (book) writers:
Do you want to write a book or are you writing one? Book a meeting with systemic coach Karen van Hout. I gained much from this. I have a better understanding of what moves my internal characters and found a solution to a jammed story-line. Good coach, she has a true interest in you and the things that you’re doing.
Working on your story in a systemic way with Karen? That’s a must do!
An true enrichment. I am able to continue writing my book.
I’ve had an intensive session with Karen this afternoon, about my manuscript. I received answers to profound questions, the motives and emotions of my characters. Changing of perspective and persona the context came to life, which brings more credible characters. Now I have to work with the outcomes. Karen, thank you so much!